1 - Close, 2017, 18x18%22.jpg

Close, 2017, 18x18"

2 - Close, Still,  2018, 40x40.jpg

Close, Still, 2018, 40 x 40”

3 - Sitting Close, 30x30%22, 2018.jpg

Sitting Close, 2018, 30 x 30"

4 - Press Close, 2019, 40x40 in, Flashe and acrylic medium on canvas.jpg

Press Close, 2019, 40 x 40”, Flashe and acrylic medium on canvas

5 - Close to Close, 2019, 40x40 in, Flashe and acrylic medium on canvas.jpg

Close to Close, 2019, 40 x 40”, Flashe and acrylic medium on canvas

6 - Instal shot of 3 Close paintings, 2019.jpg

Install shot of 3 Close paintings, 2019

7 - Come Close, 2019, Flashe on canvas, 40x40%22.jpg

Come Close, 2019, 40 x 40", Flashe on canvas

Keep Close, 2021, 40x40", Flashe on canvas

Keeping Close, 2021, 30x30", Flashe on canvas

Call Close, 2021, 40x40", acrylic on canvas

Listen Close, 2021, 40x40", acrylic on canvas

Close, Again, 2023, 40x40", acrylic on canvas

Stay Close, 2022, 40x40", acrylic on canvas

Call Close 2, 2022, 40x40", acrylic on canvas